Random Designs

Twitter Header

Team mission patch that we actually had made!

Graphic for our video series

Mashup of school logo and team logo

Facebook Header

I made a graveyard of old First Robotics Competition games. In the background is me with a deflated game ball on my head as a mask.
Button Designs

One of our advisors was diagnosed with Breast Cancer in the beginning of the 2019 season, so as a show of solidarity I designed this. Every member of the team wore them at competitions.

This was for the mascot costume.

This was the name of the robot for the 2019 season.

We were in the 2019 Hightstown Memorial Day Parade and gave out this button, along with our other buttons.

This was a limited supply button that used aspects of the 2019 FRC game.

This was made for our team safety captain to give out to members of other teams that were going above and beyond to stay safe when working on their robots at competitions.

This was by far the most popular button at competitions in the 2019 season. It is FIRST co-founder Woodie Flowers in a Navy Mark-IV space suit (the one used for the mercury missions) in a pose like the Uncle Sam posters.