Logos and General Graphics

The base logo, that uses the MCCC logo and puts in the Pride flag.

The vertical stacked logo.

The horizontal logo.

The graphic for things like shirts and advertisements, utilizing (with permission) the MCCC Athletics logo but editing it to our needs.

An animated version of the base club logo, for our Discord server.
Flyers and Advertisements

For our Among Us game night

For club day (even though they didn't use it. ugh.).

For our Open Mic Night

Ad for The College VOICE, the MCCC newspaper

For a joint art show with The Bayard Rustin Center for Social Justice.
Random Designs

Edited version of our Instagram Nametag

QR code going straight to our Discord server

Snapcode that goes directly to our Discord Server. The Viking stuff was designed by my friend Sophia Paz (@atomicshibas69 on Instagram). I vectorized it and put everything together. Sadly the Snapcode never wants to actually go to the Discord when it is printed.

A work in progress version of the logo, including every major pride flag in the school logo M.
Individual Instagram Posts

For International Lesbian Day

For National Coming Out Day

For #spiritday

For International Pronoun Day

The first post for our 2020 Halloween movie night

The second post for our 2020 Halloween movie night

For an event we hosted with the new school counselor
Multi-Image Instagram Posts