Color Project
This is a monochromatic painting of an image of me in my friend Lexie's dress. Sadly I could not include my awesome legs in the painting.
This is a monochromatic painting of an image of me in my friend Lexie's dress. Sadly I could not include my awesome legs in the painting.
Line Project
Made with Micron Pens. This is the attack of ADHD on my brain. The left is pure ADHD madness, transitioning through the battlefield of my brain to the right, signifying the "normal" part of my brain.
Made with Micron Pens. This is the attack of ADHD on my brain. The left is pure ADHD madness, transitioning through the battlefield of my brain to the right, signifying the "normal" part of my brain.
Shape Project
Sketch of a lamp without anything inside it. Parts of it are exaggerated.
Sketch of a lamp without anything inside it. Parts of it are exaggerated.
The motif of the lamp. The negative spaces were put into Adobe Illustrator and arranged into random shapes and positions.
The motif of the lamp. The negative spaces were put into Adobe Illustrator and arranged into random shapes and positions.
This is a lamp.
This is a lamp.
Space Project
Preliminary sketch messing around with circles and stuff.
Preliminary sketch messing around with circles and stuff.
Planning sketch.
Planning sketch.
Final project.
Final project.
Project 7

For this project I had more freedom to use a medium that I was comfortable with, like Adobe Illustrator. I decided to do something on my personal journey with Autism. From worshipping the color blue and Autism Speaks puzzle piece, to realizing how I am not defined by a symbol or organization, and that I am an amazing person because of my Autism.
These were my sketches. For the last three I got more abstract with my visualizations, like the dark blue going into the bright red.
These were my sketches. For the last three I got more abstract with my visualizations, like the dark blue going into the bright red.
This is a pit. At the center of the pit is the color blue. Autism Speaks, an organization that no autistic person likes, uses blue heavily in their campaigning. This image symbolizes how I felt like there was something wrong with me when I was in high school and blamed my Autism for it. I was not in a very good place then.
This is a pit. At the center of the pit is the color blue. Autism Speaks, an organization that no autistic person likes, uses blue heavily in their campaigning. This image symbolizes how I felt like there was something wrong with me when I was in high school and blamed my Autism for it. I was not in a very good place then.
Using aspects of the skate design that I like (checkerboard Vans), this illustrates me coming out of the pit of self hate and into self acceptance.
Using aspects of the skate design that I like (checkerboard Vans), this illustrates me coming out of the pit of self hate and into self acceptance.
This image is where I am now. I am not done with my journey of accepting myself for who I am and my Autism, but I am definitely in a better place than I was when I started my journey.
This image is where I am now. I am not done with my journey of accepting myself for who I am and my Autism, but I am definitely in a better place than I was when I started my journey.
Final Project
For this I wanted to demonstrate how this really was a process of going back and forth between Photoshop and Illustrator to get the coloring of the buildings right. I wanted them to fade into some darkness, but did not necessarily know how to do that effectively. So there were multiple trials. Then I did the same with the slime.
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